Blog Post

Hello World

  • By John R. Grizz Deal
  • 12 Nov, 2018

It's official, I have a blog and I know how to use it.

I have finally decided to take the plunge and add a blog to my site. I always wanted an easy way to share information with visitors and super excited to start this journey. Keep coming back to my site and check for updates right here on the blog.

By John R Grizz Deal December 12, 2018
The Jefferson County Colorado Democratic Party had both Executive and Central Committee meetings last night at Jefferson High School in Edgewater.

We approved the budget for 2019 and elected both an Assistant Secretary (the fabulous Jan Magid!) and 2nd Vice Chair (yours truly) to fill the terms until 2 February 2019. We also heard for several of our newly and re-elected officials and all the good work they are already doing.

All Dems meetings are open to the public!
By John R Grizz Deal December 6, 2018
One of my best friends was chatting me up the other day and suggested (strongly) that "you Democrats need to get rid of Chuck and Nancy." While I too would like to see some new leadership, given the horrible state of Congress and the USA in the yes of the planet, we don't have time for OJT. So Chuck and Nancy it is, and fresh blood as it becomes available.

But it got me thinking...if the GOP doesn't want them there...does that mean the GOP is afraid of how effective they are?
By John R Grizz Deal November 27, 2018
Words can be "loaded." Like most Americans (and NRA members!), I support training and licensing of people that carry firearms. But banning specific weapons is difficult (this semi-automatic, but not this other one). Instead our goal should be to make make firearms like abortion: legal and rare. 

One thing we can do as Democrats is to stop using the term "assault weapon" to mean high powered or semi-automatic firearms.

Why? Because the term "assault weapon" is not accurate and actually applies to any weapon used to assault someone (from a pencil to a Howitzer). Should we care about using the correct term? Only if we want to actually debate the issues effectively, and unload the emotional aspects of that debate. 

I know LOTS of people that own firearms, and many that carry them nearly all of the time. In every case, every person is as proud to tell you of their accuracy AND the professional training they have received. And every one of those people take exception to the term "assault weapon." Why? Because they feel that someone that can not actually identify the subject of the debate has no right to debate the subject.

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